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Our blog provides free information and recommendations related to credit cards and financial services in general. It is important to highlight that we do not request any payment for our content (whether on the blog, email or any other form of communication), nor do we request additional information beyond that necessary to provide our content. If you receive any suspicious messages requesting payment or additional information on our behalf, we ask that you inform us immediately.

To keep our content free for users, it may contain linked advertising content. It is important to mention that some recommendations presented on our website may be from companies with which we have affiliate partnerships. This compensation may influence how offers are presented on our site, including the order in which they appear.

Our team works hard to provide accurate and up-to-date information that we believe is relevant to our users. However, it is important to note that we cannot guarantee the completeness and/or timeliness of all information provided, nor do we make any representations or warranties regarding its accuracy or applicability of such content.